

OG About: This blog is about the ramblings of a young human being who chooses to call herself Ice Cream for reasons that shall not be known to you (wait, unless you read my first post, dang it!).

If you're coming here from my Youtube channel, welcome!!  Just be warned, this is where I post my fun stuff, and while occasionally I will post something related to the content on my Youtube channel, most of it is not directly related, besides the fact that they come from the brain of the same person.

I will be monitoring comments, but as long as you keep it clean, it should pass :D  This means feel free to post a comment to offer constructive criticism, debate, etc.

That's it.  What, were you expecting more?

Updated About: Yes youngling, and you learn to expect more too.

I write things.  They aren't very good.  I'm still wet behind the ears, so most of my thoughts are pretty green too.  After a mystical revelation, St. Thomas Aquinas said that most of what he wrote was like straw.  Keep in mind that he wrote the friggin' Summa Theologica and Summa Contra Gentiles.  Literally thousands of pages, much of which is still endorsed by the Church today.  If what he wrote is straw, all the spit balling that I do is little more than a dust mote.

Like this About page, everything I write is more for my benefit than yours.  I'm an undergraduate student, and not an extremely gifted one at that.  I know that not everything you'll view as you scroll through my ramblings is 100% accurate and eloquent.  Take it or leave it as you will.  Condemn it if you must.  Anything you read here has been tumbling in my mind for quite a while; writing and discussing are the best ways I know of for pinning thoughts down and squeezing whatever truth and experience I can.

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