
Friday, June 6, 2014

Greetings Earthlings!

Hiya!  I'm from the planet Zorbador, where all they eat is Ice Cream!  And my name really is Ice Cream.
No seriously, my name is not Ice Cream.  But because of safety precautions enforced by the Parents (Ooooo, scary Internet!) and lack of a cooler sounding name, I decided to use the first idea that popped into my mind, which happened to be Ice Cream.
A little bit about me:
  • I LOVE everything that is related to J.R.R. Tolkien.  PETER JACKSON STOP RUINING THE HOBBIT MOVIES!
  • I love (and used to ride) horses.
  • I am a bibliophile!  I actually have progressive myopia because I read WAY too much.  Wait.  What is this heresy that has come from my mouth!  There is no such thing as reading too much!
  • I am a Roman Catholic
  • I love science, and my faith, and don't tell me the two don't mix, because they do.
  • I like ice cream, especially chocolate-y, peanut butter-y goodness.  Mmmmmmmm......
  • I also like Chocolate in general.
  • I like to act in my local Drama group!  (We're actually putting on our first showing of the Wizard of Oz tomorrow!  Yay!)
  • I also love the colors blue, purple, and green.  In that order.  Don't argue.  Blue is superior.  By far.
I guess that's it for stuff about me.  Now on to what I am going to do with this blog!
Actually, I, honestly, am not sure what I am going to do here.  Probably rant about some stuff that infuriates me (I need a better outlet for my feelings than just the wall or the air, neither of which speak back to you, did you know that?), possibly do reviews on books, movies, etc.  So, yeah......  As you can see I am completely clueless as to what this blog is going to be about.  But I was completely clueless when I started this post, and look where it went! 
Oh, go check out my Youtube channel!
I guess that's all for now!


  1. I have run across your blog looking for recipes for ice cream, and I ran across this. I have found no recipes for ice cream. I guess that is what I get for using Bing! Please post ice cream recipes from your home planet. Thanks.

  2. NB: How do you know I am from Earth? Are you not making a common assumption, and common mistake?

    1. So sorry, you are so right! My thought process was that I was the only non-Earthling who used the Internet, since it is ultimately inferior to the many other forms of social outreach that exist in this vast universe, such as Blorg, which is uploaded directly to a being's central nervous system.
      If I may say so, your name actually reminds me of a being that I knew while I lived on the planet Califord for a short time ;)
      And I actually do have some ice cream recipes, but they require access to an earth-style blender, and the result is more of a glorified milkshake than real bonified ice cream. I will try to post some in the future :)

    2. I've actually tried to make ice cream by putting sugar and vanilla into milk and stirring really hard. Darn lady at the county fair told me it would work.


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