
Friday, November 7, 2014

Experiment Post: Intro

Okay, so I've decided to start a, uh, what should I call this?  An Update Series?  How about I just give background information and maybe it will explain itself.
I'm making a Christmas stocking for my youngest brother, who isn't born yet, but will be in January.  We'll call him Peanut :) It's a tradition in our family (has been for like, almost three generations) to make each other's Christmas stockings, so I have the privilege of making Peanut's stocking!  I'll post updates here every Saturday.  I'll include some pictures and an explanation of my adventures while making the stocking.  Trust me, it gets pretty crazy sometimes, and all I'm doing is making a stocking!!
This is the stocking I'm making:
Pretty cute right?  And simple, which I like because it means less work!  Well, actually I wish there was more detail, because then there would be more fun.
I already started the stocking before I decided to do this, but I haven't gotten too far, so nobody's missed much :)
I'll start posting updates every Saturday, so look out for my first post tomorrow!


  1. Awww, Peanut? Don't mind me, just exploding from the cuteness of that nickname. XD
    Can't wait to see the update tomorrow. :)

    1. XD That's an old nickname that we've used for babies before we know what gender he/she is. We know for Peanut, but I'm trying to refrain from spilling sibling names on the Internet :)


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