
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Stocking Update: Fail

I think I have learned a lesson.  When your Dad is gone for a month on a business trip, it's all you can do to make sure your Mom doesn't go insane and help her keep the house together.  That's my excuse for not posting in like, three weeks.

But yeah, I haven't worked on the stocking at all since the last post.  So you're not missing anything.  When I do start working on it again I will post stuff.  Hopefully I will be posting stuff again next week.

Oh, and I finished one of the books on my reading list, and will be posting a review soon :)
I also got the Divergent series for my birthday :D and I will review that too.  I probably won't do separate book reviews (for several reasons), but I'll review the series as a whole.

Look out for some posts soon, but in the meantime, have some ice cream!

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